Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas from the US Botanical Gardens in Washington DC. We went last Thursday to see the Library of Congress and we stopped her as well.

Here is the Nations Capital. Behind and to the right is the Thomas Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress. It is the main branch. It houses the Arts and Humanities. There are two other buildings. The John Adams and the James Madison buildings. Behind and to the left is the US Supreme Court. Directly behind and in the distance is the JFK/Fedex Stadium where the Redskins Play.

Here is the interior of the Library of Congress, main lobby. It is full of marble and granite and it has all kinds of paintings and carvings.

Here is the main reading room of the library. Quite an awesome place to read a book. Unfortunately it is only open to people who are doing research and who plan ahead. We were not able to get into here.Here we are standing in front of the Capital.

The building behind us was our destination. The Library of Congress. You know the one in National Treasure.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Del Taco

Todd was pretty excited about Del Taco's sale of 6 tacos for 2$. Jer and I took on the challenge. Jer ate 6, I had 4 and Maddie had 2. We told them no lettuce in hopes of more good stuff in them, but it didn't work. Jeramy filled them with french fries and that helped. Anyone up to the challenge?

The Rec Room is done!!!
We have it all complete (I should say, Matt has it all complete) but surround sound. We are going to wait a little before we bite that bullet.
Way expensive.
These pictures are from Christmas Eve.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Sad day in our life today.
'Rabit' had a heart attack and died.
I was there and holding him just before he give up the ghost.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Challenge

Hello out there! Everyone's blogging has slowed down again. So, I have this challenge for you all. I would like each family to think about the gifts that Christ has given US. Try to find scripture references if you can. I would like to be able to share them on Christmas Eve, so get busy! What a great FHE idea!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


It would be a winter wonderland today in Midvale.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Matt went to cane grinding day at the Grahams.

Sugar cane is ground up into a juice and then boiled into a syrup. It tastes like syrup-

gone astray- Has anyone ever had any?


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday Night

We just got back for the airport. We had a great time. The travelers made it back just fine. Heidi's suitcase did get lost however!

Monday, November 19, 2007

For Cindy

We are at Ikea. They have a free day care for kids that are potty trained. And they have a cafeteria with a .99 kids meal. We love it! It's just in Draper, like 7 miles from our house. And, I was going to warn you about Maddie's letter, and I forgot. I was working on my cards, and she made that for Shelby. Kind of funny, huh? Did you notice the 'writing' on the envelope too? She was ready to put it in the mailbox with the scribbles on!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Hello all! It's that time of year again, and Tracy and I were thinking that we should draw names for Christmas. Let me know if your family would like to be included or not. :) I'll draw and post once I hear from everyone!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Good old days...

Does this seem like forever ago? Our family blogging is slowing down. So is my basement progress! I didn't have a chance with a BYU game AND a Jazz game Saturday. I did get my painting done though - yeah!!! Hopefully the doors will get up and base boards this week sometime.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

halloween a day early

OK we need something new, and we tried on our costumes early so this is what we will look like tommorow.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hello everyone,

I don't know how consistent we will be but I thought I should at least post a blog and see if I can get Kerry to do more. Kerry made this quilt for Halloween. She is quite a crafty woman.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Good times

Today while we were at Mom's, we walked to Dolly Madison so I could buy some buns for dinner. What an adventure with 3 kids, Carly, Ashley and Grandma. My total came to $3.38 and all I brought was $2 and my debit card. Can you believe that they don't accept debit or credit cards? Crazy! We all had to scrounge through our pockets for change and finally made it. The cashiers didn't think it was as funny as we all did. Even Carly pitched in! (And made sure I paid her back, of course).
On the way home, we walked through all the leaves, and even went the long way to kick up leaves by the Pecks (old house). Is there anything more relaxing than that sound? It was fun to watch Maddie play with the girls in them - until they were attacked by Box Elder bugs hiding out in the leaves. Anyway, it made my day. Just want to encourage you all to slow down this weekend and take a walk and enjoy the fall.
Oh yeah, we didn't even use the buns. It was still worth the walk.


Or ever how you spell it.

I now know why Heidi is in such a hurry for us to go on a cruise.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Who's kids is this?

Family Home Evening

We all went to Scott and Kerry's for family home evening. We had a great time. The lesson was on service and we made quilts for Amy's kids.

Matt and Girls

Sunday evening

Friday, October 12, 2007

Our home

this is our addition. it's coming along nicely. Dan is just about ready to move to the in side stuff.

Our bloggin' family

Thought I would be the first to post since I was the one who started this whole blogging thing. We just need to teach Tracy and Kerry AND Mom how to get on now!
This picture is for Cindy. I put a comment on her blog about Macie's hair. It's almost to her eyes-like Cal's.

How it works?

If you want to post a blog message click on the 'new post' at the top.
If you want to e-mail someone click on the 'envelop''.
If you want to make a comment click on 'comment'.
If you want to edit comment click on the 'pencil'.

Thursday, October 11, 2007



I am trying to put together a family blog. This would be one that we all can use.
